Aching for great pool pavers? With Indonesia Black Lava Stone Landscaping, you will get the best results. Check out the types for more information before you buy.

Indonesia Lava Stone Tiles – Things you should know 

black lavastone swimming pool tiles

Indonesia Black Lavastone for Swimming Pool Tiles – Photo Courtesy of Modern The Terminal Texas, USA)

If you are looking for great pool pavers, you may want to consider Indonesia Black Lava Stone Landscaping. Black lavastone is one of the most famous natural stones in Indonesia. You can guess from the name. This stone’s origin is from a volcanic eruption from Merapi Mountain, which is in Central Java. Black lavastone is also legendary because back in 750 AD, Indonesian ancestors had used a lot of them to build the world’s biggest temple for the Buddhists. That temple is known as Borobudur Temple, which is also one of the most historic, iconic buildings and most visited in Indonesia by tourists from around the world. Long before the Indonesia Black Lava Stone Landscaping goes, black lavastone itself goes through a long process to form. After the volcanic eruption, the hot lava forms into black lava nuggets after the air cools it. They are called nuggets because of their porous bits of rock as the early format. There are various landscaping applications you can do with these earth’s crust, volcanic bits. Besides for great pool pavers, black lava stone is also perfect for gardening and other real estate projects. Black lava stone is also a favourite choice for many people. That is because its dark colour presents a contrast – especially to the pool tiles.

Indonesia Black Lava Rock Landscaping – Elegance Design as Great Pool Pavers


Indonesia Black Lavastone Cladding for Bali Project – Photo courtesy of Holidayy Inn Resort, Bali)

Stone Depot is one of the companies in Indonesia that does Indonesia Black Lava Stone Landscaping. There are six products this company makes with Bali black lava stone, which include: tiles and pavers, tumbled split face cladding in mesh, split face random cladding in mesh, split face strip cladding in mesh, and camel wall cladding mosaic. Each type can be used for great pool pavers, depending on the designing concept that you want. The split face random cladding in the mesh is probably more suitable for back-to-nature pool design, while the tiles and pavers and the strip cladding types are perfect for modern swimming pools. Indonesia Black Lava Stone Landscaping is also suitable for bathroom walls and flooring, especially if the bathroom is close to the pool. However, you might want to work on better lighting in the bathroom if you choose that design. Whether sawn cut and honed, bush-hammered, or split face, Omega Stone of Arts provides the right black lavastone design for you. Despite the name, black lava stone also offers three (3) ranges of colour: black, dark grey, and light grey. These colour grades can vary your pool tiles if they are part of the landscaping. Stone Depot offers various sizes of each black lava stone product, according to your needs at home or other building(s) you own. If any further assistance, you need regarding our Indonesia Black Lava Stone Landscaping, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: +6287829823421 (Sinta) or email:


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