Bali brown slate cladding is a premium Bali stone for the outstanding wall cladding. If you need to find a Bali Slate Stone supplier, contact us directly by clicking our Whatsapp link: (Sinta)  or email:

The Wujil Resort & Conventions Ungaran is one of the classy hotels in Indonesia which becomes a tourist destination. Located on the Ungaran highlands, The Wujil Resort & Conventions offers a different experience while staying. You will be invited to enjoy the stunning natural beauty, combined with a building with a charming and contemporary design. Interestingly, even though it targets foreign tourists, Wujil Resort and Conventions still uses local products for every element of the building. This is a manifestation of pride in local products which are now at almost the same level as foreign products. One of them is Indonesia Brown Slate Cladding, a natural stone that gives a different aura.

Indonesian Brown Slate Cladding at Wujil Resort  

Indonesia itself is a country that has abundant natural wealth. Natural stone is one of the most popular commodities, making architects have many options to choose the right type of natural stone for their masterpiece. Interestingly, each type of natural stone has its own characteristics that set it apart from other variants. Like Indonesia Brown Slate Cladding, with distinctive characteristics and offers a soothing ambiance. This natural stone is often used by several residences that carry the concept of nature. The goal is to improve the natural ambiance in the vicinity. We know that ambiance will represent the identity of the building.

Bali slate create the Wujil Resort wall cladding look outstanding

When we decide on a particular material that comes with a distinct ambiance, it means that we have a view of what ambiance will show from that. The Indonesia Brown Slate Cladding is not just a regular natural stone. This is an authentic Indonesian stone that will transform any kind of building into something that represents tranquility. At The Wujil Resort & Conventions Ungaran, you will find yourself a piece of heaven right after you step inside. You can feel the ambiance, its natural ambiance, spread all around the corners. It might be different when the resort uses different materials. And so far, the Indonesia Brown Slate Cladding has managed to do the job perfectly.

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Bali brown slate cladding delivers an incredible atmosphere in the Wujil Resort

Indonesia Brown Slate Cladding is one of the most popular natural stones used for wall cladding. Even though experts have a wide range of options, this natural stone is still on the top of the list. The natural brown tone will bring earthy-visual around the vicinity. As the result, the wall looks more environmentally friendly. Also, this is a versatile stone cladding where you can use as an interior or exterior part.

This stone is sturdy and strong as it stands to any weather and temperature changes. While you’re using it as the interior parts, you can see the veining that becomes the highlight of the stone. Maybe this is why the Wujil Resort and Conventions Ungaran drop their choice of this amazing natural stone.

The Indonesia Brown Slate Cladding is available online and sold by a trusted supplier. It’s not rare yet still manages to give unique touch to your wall. Plus, the natural ambiance will improve as you add more environmentally friendly material to your construction projects.

If any further assistance, you need regarding the Bali brown slate cladding, please click this Whatsapp link to contact us directly: +6287829823421 (Sinta) or email:

Indonesia Brown Slate Cladding Improve the Natural Ambiance at The Wujil Resort & Conventions Ungaran

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