Indonesia Volcanic Lavastone Tiles – All Varian Colour

In general, lava stone is rocks that come from volcanic eruptions and they are tending to be grey colored. Lava stone or also known as volcanic rocks are usually fine-grained or aphanitic to glass in texture. This kind of natural stone has the special characters such as sound absorption heat insulation and reservation, frozen proof, and insulation. Not every kind of stone has the characteristic like it has for its holes. Based on many inspections, the lava stone is a kind of green environment as building materials.

With its natural characteristic, lava stone making it meets the criteria for natural building materials. People who look for the green and natural ambiance to the building use them on the wall or floor decoration. An artistic impression will also be available at the studio, theater, or concert hall when using lava stone. Lava stone is very appropriate for the city with ancient buildings. The uniqueness is owned by the lava stone is that it has a soundproof texture and fascinating color.  If it is combined with white sandstone, a very artistic building will be a result.

Other special features that lava stone has been: this volcanic rock is hard, durable, and very good to isolate noisy sound. Lava stone is also strongly resistant to environmental changes that make it suitable applied on walls or sidewalks with high traffic in urban areas. Not only will create a building or a sidewalk to be strong and durable, but it also makes them beautiful and has a unique appearance as valuable art, as we see in European-style buildings. Lava stone will be the main choice as building materials that people recommended.

Now we are here to give you the qualified lava stone. We have 3 different types of Lava Stone and Slate, those are:

Black Temple Lavastone (Batu Candi) is lavastone which has a black-based porosity through the stone. Brown Java Slate has brown-grey colored while Rustic slate has multi coloring. All based on hard density and applied for carport pavers, tiles, wall, or road. All you can choose with many specifications of lava stones that are presented with pictures.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Indonesia Black Lava Stone, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: +6287829823421 (Sinta) or email:

Exotic Indonesia Lava Stone

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