Indonesia Grey Basalt Stone is a premium natural stone for durable pavers. If you need to find the Bali Natural Stone supplier, contact us directly by clicking our Whatsapp link: (Sinta)  or email: 

Choosing a paving stone is definitely not an easy thing because there are so many considerations. Everyone knows that pavers are the best solution to make a garden, path, or even a fence look more character. But to determine the character, you have to choose the right type of material. Keep in mind that although there are many types of choices, each type of pavers will bring out different characteristics so you have to choose according to the right concept. We can learn from Baobab Safari Resort, which features an environmentally friendly concept. They use Grey Basalt stone in order to integrate with the concept.

An extraordinary mini-zoo at Baobab Safari Resort

Among any Types of Pavers, Grey Basalt Stone from Bali is the Best Choice

When it comes to pavers, there are three main materials used by most architects. You can choose one of these; brick, concrete or natural stone. Keep in mind that each type comes with its disadvantages too, so take it into account before you drop the choice of what type you really want. Brick is the cheapest paver stone but you can rely on this material for a long time. If it is just for landscaping, the brick would work well with the vicinity. The concrete is better than the brick, but in terms of beauty, this is something that won’t make you proud. Also, concrete paver doesn’t have a good durability level. Among others, natural stone is the best option, especially if you use Gray Basalt stone for pavers.

Bali grey basalt for pavers at Baobab Safari Resort

Let’s go back to the Baobab Safari Resort, one of the most breathtaking resorts in Indonesia. They choose Gray Basalt stone for pavers because they knew that this material has everything they need. In terms of beauty, no one underestimates the beauty of this natural stone. In fact, the resort looks amazing as the pavers blend into one with the vicinity. It fits with the eco-friendly concept of the resort. Also, using this stone for the pavers will give you the freedom to use your creativity. You can design your own pattern as the stone is available in different shapes and sizes. It lets you create a unique design only you can have. And when it comes to durability, it’s not questionable.

The durable pavers with Grey Basalt at Baobab Safari Resort

The Gray Basalt stone is acknowledged as one of the most durable natural stone there is. It’s not surprising that most of the time, architects use this stone for outdoor projects, such as pavers, wall cladding, or even fences. They know that the stone is weather and temperature resistant, which will make it stand for any changes. Plus, it is unbreakable even though people walk through the paver every day at any time. Baobab Safari Resort has made an excellent choice as the stone will last forever.

In conclusion, if you are looking for something special that will add the beauty, design, and durability of your path, Gray Basalt stone should be on the top of your list. This is a wonderful natural stone that fits for your pavers projects, just like what Baobab Safari Resort did.

If any further assistance, you need regarding the Indonesia Grey Basalt Stone Pavers, please click this Whatsapp link to contact us directly: +6287829823421 (Sinta) or email:

Looking for Something Special for Your Pavers? Try Grey Basalt Stone as the Baobab Safari Resort Do

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