Indonesia Pebbles Stone

Indonesia Pebbles Stone come as one of the most gorgeous natural decoration for every living place to give a sense of way exotics. These stones are available in many options of colors and shapes for both interior and exterior design. They are also great to be applied in other purposes such as shower pans, kitchen countertops, bathroom floor, patio surfaces, wall coating, flooring and etc. These pebbles are getting more popular today as it is mostly used by lots of home makers since natural stones are seen as unique touch to be combined into a home, besides no special skills needed to use them.

One of the most unique colors of popular ones is pink pebbles and white pebbles; and they have been applied widely into a number of living places. Besides no need to hire professionals, special budget, nor even other expensive materials, there are indeed easy tips after applying pebbles to your home. Before deciding to install them to your decoration, prepare these: grout, scissors, sponge, thin set mortar, trowel, grout float, sealer and paint brush. Before begin tilling, you can take the sealers and brush it over the rocks. Take the towel then to apply thinset over certain surface.

Apply the rock panels next to each other then, and at last you are able to take the grout and fill the spaces you want with it. No need to waste much time, you are about to wait till it dries totally in minimum for 24 hours. The last step is just you need to apply wet sponge to clean the excess grout on the surface. Indeed, there are lots of advantages in applying them, as follows:

  • Feels convenient to walk on besides giving a sense of exotics natural look to your decoration.
  • Pebbles are considered less expensive rather than other tiling.
  • Considered more durable in extreme temperatures, even to be placed around fireplace and stoves.

There are some other alternatives if you want to remodel your decoration with natural stone pebbles tile panels.

  • Professionals recommend to always apply sealants every two or three years to make your pebbles stay good way.
  • Also you have to sort them before installing to make a good layout of the tiles for the best result.
  • You also need to have a small sample to ensure your design meets your expectation.

Natural pebbles comes so attractive to prettify either your interior and exterior design as they are available in numerous colors, shades, and sizes, less expensive and of course easy to use.

If any further assistance, you need regarding our Indonesian Natural Pebbles, please click this Whatsapp link to contact with us directly: +6287829823421 (Sinta) or email:

Exotic Indonesian Natural Pebbles

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