Sandstone is a material that is famous because of its non-slippery characteristic. It has a porosity and different color in one block. Thus, it can fit into different building projects. Indonesia with its rich environment has high-quality, sandstone Indonesia with unique characteristics.

What is Sandstone?

Bali Palimanan Sandstone for Outdoor Wall Cladding

Sandstone is a pile of sands that go through the process of natural hardening that makes it rock. Besides, it isn’t that simple because all the sediment can show a piece of valuable geologic information.

Every sandstone in the world has its unique characteristic, including the one from Indonesia. The particles that create sandstone make it different from others.

Since prehistoric times, there have been a lot of buildings such as churches, houses, or fortresses that use this material.

Benefits of Using Sandstones for Building Material

Many places around the world use sandstone as the main material for their building, for example, Brisbane.

Many places around the world use sandstone as the main material for their building, for example, Brisbane.

  1. Multi-Function

You can use Indonesian sandstone for different purposes like decoration, tile, or retaining walls. People usually use sandstone as an outdoor material to decorate their garden walls or make paving. However, sandstone has a lot more functions, you can also use it to build a house or commercial places.

The longevity of sandstone is standing out over other benefits of this material. That makes sandstone more valuable than other materials.

  1. Durable

Sandstone is also very durable. It can withstand various weather conditions such as hot springs or cold winters. No weather can land a big impact on this material due to the heat resistance and its durability.

This material is formed naturally which makes it stronger and outlast most artificial materials. If you use this material, your building will have high cost-effectiveness because it will last longer.

  1. Less Maintenance

Other than durability, sandstone can also stand perfectly without much maintenance. The only thing you need to do is to keep the surface of the sandstone clean. Cleaning them gradually can make them still look good.

Indonesian sandstone is also famous for its color. Even though you use the same material, your building will have a different look from others.

Sandstone Maintenance

The only maintenance you need to do to sandstone is cleaning the surface. It is so easy to do; you only need soapy water and brushes to keep it clean.

You need to mix the soap with water and apply it to the surface of the sandstones. Then, you need to brush it to remove algae. There’s no need to be careful in brushing it because it has a solid form.

If you use sandstone as paving, then you need additional maintenance. You need to clean the wood. Wood might grow in the jointing sand. You need to pay attention to it.

Getting a sandstone is not quite easy because it is naturally formed and takes several decades. We as an experienced company can provide you with high-quality sandstones for your building.

If you want all the benefits of using sandstone Indonesia, you can contact us at Whatsapp on +6287829823421 (Sinta) or email


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