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The Bali natural stone offers beautiful decorative service to your house, office, or other commercial structures. They even can last for years. When they begin to look dirty and lose their shine, you know the drill: it’s time to clean them. There are several care and maintenance tips to keep the beauty of natural stone for generations to come.
Top 6 Care and Maintenance Tips to Keep the Beauty of Natural Stone

#1 – Know Your Natural Stone
What type of Bali natural stone do you have? Are they siliceous or calcareous stones? Granite, quartzite, sandstone, and slate are some of the examples of the first stone type. Meanwhile, the second type examples are travertine, limestone, marble, and onyx.
For this purpose, the easiest way is to consult with natural stone experts, such as specialists, installers, or stone suppliers. Kindly visit Omega Stone of Arts Official Website for both types of the above natural stones.
#2 – Precautions and Care
Bali natural stone floors are more likely to be slippery when they get wet. Spreading an anti-slip mat or runner for each door (to a lobby or a corridor) may prevent any hazards by drying the shoe soles. For exterior applications, you can routinely shovel or mop the stone floor surfaces to remove puddles, snow, or ice.
#3 – The Appropriate Natural Stone Cleaners
Once you figured out what Bali natural stone you have, you can look for the most suitable cleaning agents. One general rule of thumb for stone floors here is using only cleaners with neutral ph. The following are two of “Don’ts” you should pay attention to:
- Don’t apply lemon juice or vinegar to marble, limestone, onyx, or travertine surfaces. It applies to other cleansers with high acid contents, such as cleaners for grout, bathroom, and tile or tub.
- Don’t try to use abrasive cleaning agents like dry or soft cleaners.
#4 – Sweeping and Mopping
Accumulated dirt tends to damage natural stone and its sealers. It also causes scratches to polished floors. Sweeping the floor once a day is one of the best solutions to avoid any damage from dry soil.
You are more likely to dry mop your Bali natural stone floors twice up to three times per day, particularly if you have kids or pets.
A microfiber damp mop is one of the best choices. It is lightweight, user- and budget-friendly. Unlike the old-style cotton and bucket, this modern mop will get the damp soil off the stone by trapping them in the fibers.
#5 – Remove the Stains
Remember to blot up any fresh spills immediately to your natural stones.
You can get rid of the loose debris first. Next, use plain water and stone soap (or mild detergent) to flush and rinse. And lastly, use a soft towel or rag to dry the area. You may repeat this process several times if necessary.
#6 – Use a Stone Sealer

Stone sealers can protect your natural stones from water, food components, grout, oil, dyes, and more. You can ask professionals about the best sealer (modern stone sealers) for your natural stone tiles.
It is better to prevent than cure. Routine cleaning and care may preserve your Bali natural stone applications charmingly last longer. For further information, you can ask for help from the experts or stone suppliers like Stone Depot for this purpose.
If any further assistance, you need regarding the Bali natural stone from Omega Stone of Arts Official Website please click this
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Six Bali Natural Stone Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Floors Clean
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